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Enlightenment to Pastors for 4am Prayer 🙏

Day 2

God wants to spend time with you!

John 15:15

Matthew 28:20

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As for the Pastors of the church He has called us to unite and pray at 4am over our members and their families as well also to provoke a greater understanding of His presence and His word.

Day 1

The Lord spoke to us about His Unending Love

1 John 4:7-21

John 15

1 John 3:1

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As a church it's very important we come together and pray about the same things! This is why we are currently in a congregational fast. God wants to do something greater and better with our church! Unite!!!

3 weeks of Fasting and Prayer 🙏

Week 1 : Better Urchurch

⁃ Monday

- Relationship with God

- Relationship with one Another

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16 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

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Dear Sister,

I am so excited for the journey ahead as you learn how to let the Healer reveal and heal the brokenness in your life. Why does this matter so much? Sometimes the source of our pain is obvious and palpable—never leaving us alone—like the throbbing of a smashed thumb. Other times, pain can lurk beyond the shadows, only to be noticed when someone accidentally bumps into it. The point is, no matter your background, we all have heart wounds to some degree. Jesus came to bind up the wounds of the heart so that we may walk in greater freedom(Isaiah 61:1-3)! Don’t let the enemy tell you this doesn’t apply to you!

Book 2, “Letting the Healer Heal”, is designed to do just that! To point you to Jesus in such an undeniable way that you allow His Spirit to reveal wounds and lies that you have believed,…

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Welcome to our group 21 Days Congregational Prayer & Fasting ! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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Welcome to our group Women | Cultivating Holy Beauty Book 2 ! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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